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March 15th, 2012 at 09:11 pm

We are set to close (selling) on DHs dad's house in two weeks. Today, we caught 5 teenagers at the house. They pretty much suck. The police escorted them to jail.

Thank goodness for insurance. Not sure where this will put us for closing. We have the ins. adjuster coming out to assess the situation, and the realtor's contractor can do the work.

3-month food storage -done!

April 25th, 2008 at 10:21 pm

I canned about a million cans of food last night with my ward (church congregation) and now have a 3-month supply. That is a huge relief to me.

Growing up, my grandparents used to harvest and "put-up" their own food, and I remember what a good feeling that was. I enjoy doing the same thing, but we don't have a lot of land to do it on. So I go to Church and do it, and I also go to the local farmer's market for some things to can. I also also go to a local blueberry farm and pick blueberries to freeze and make jam with. I just love this life!

Fabulous Customer Service

April 22nd, 2008 at 04:12 pm

I just love my credit union! They have a wonderful team and really treat us right.

I also love Publix. I wish my grocery budget were a lot more than it is, because I would ditch stinky Wal-Mart right away and shop exclusively at Publix. Well, I guess I'd still go to the 'Mart because I'd feel guilty knowing I could save money there as opposed to Publix.

Canned the t.v.

April 16th, 2008 at 03:04 am

We put it in a closet. We still have a small one in our room, but feel like the one in the living room didn't help us progress towards our family goals. It was easy to use as a crutch with the kids during the day if I needed to get something done. Glad that is gone! Even in just two days, I feel like the spirit of our home has improved a lot.

Goodbye, tv...

Doesn't it boil down to being prepared?

April 5th, 2008 at 08:34 pm

I posted about how much I don't like making dinner. That was in response to my approach: about an hour before dinner should be served, I would walk into the kitchen and just stand there, not knowing what I should make (that, and I'm tired at the end of the day).

Well, we recently made improvements in our eating habits, and I decided to put together a recipe menu box on index cards, which lets me know what to make this week and exactly what to buy at the grocery store. And lo and behold, this has helped save me from daily heartache AND it has helped me save $ at the grocery store.

Anyway, now that I am prepared, there's no anxiety. And I think that's what being financially savvy is about. Doing the best you can with what you have to prepare for the future. That seems like a good perspective to me.

PS - I know I'm slow about these things, but I'm a work in progress.

What public school can teach you about money.

March 13th, 2008 at 03:27 pm


*crickets chirping*