March 21st, 2009 at 02:25 pm
I have a wonderful day to myself today, thanks to MIL taking the girls and DH and DS at a skateboard campout. Hooray for me! So I drop DHs truck off for a diagnostic. It just needs a tune-up (plugs, wires, air filter, fuel filter, serpentine belt, hose that goes to the pvc valve).
I don't even know why I took it in, because we could do all of that for about $100. I know better.
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Endless Ranting
October 2nd, 2008 at 05:06 pm
Wow... I haven't blogged in a long time.
We purchased a new-to-us van. We didn't want to but the old van had an electronic issue that we just could not find (things shorting out, repeatedly killing the battery). Then the transmission went out. We crossed the line of dealing with it and bought a used Toyota. I'm excited and nervous... we haven't had a car payment in almost all of the 8 years we've been married. Not liking that part, but enjoying the non-worry of whether or not I'll get stranded with 4 little kids on the road.
Have been doing minor, minor remodeling. The kitchen has been painted (cabinets included). Parents visit next week so Dad and I will demo a wall and put new countertops on. Possibly new flooring if the discount home improvement store has what I'm looking for (Contractor's Best is usually 1/2 price of the other guys, but it is like Big Lot's in that their inventory is never the same week to week).
Loving the cooler weather! I'm so ready for the fall to get here (not just on the calendar, but tangible fall). Florida usually doesn't see that for a little while longer, but we've been having bouts of cooler weather. Very enjoyable.
Good to blog again
Posted in
June 24th, 2008 at 01:30 pm
The van. VAN! I think it stands for
V = vehicle
A = always
N = needs something
Okay, that was corny. Anyway, the cooling fan & motor on the radiator needs to be replaced, as well as the fan relay (which also needs a pigtail). I'm just glad to get it fixed. I feel helpless without a vehicle. Makes me realize I need to get over that and figure out how to get around with 4 little kids without my own vehicle.
My dad, a mechanic in a state far, far away, nearly had a heart attack when I told him what and how much. Alas, he doesn't charge enough in his own garage to understand that others charge upwards of $85/hour for labor and mark-up the parts. Funny thing - just after I talked to the shop to okay the repairs, a coupon came in the mail for the shop for $10 off. Better than nothing
Posted in
June 18th, 2008 at 12:50 pm
Clark Howard talked about this yesterday, so I thought I'd add the link:
A CLUE report is how the insurance company keeps tabs on you, similar to a credit report for insurance. It has info about claims, etc on your Homeowner's Insurance and on your Auto Insurance. Clark suggested that you ask for one from the seller before you buy a house, and check it free once a year to see if there are any mistakes on your report. You can dispute/correct information on it.
Posted in
June 13th, 2008 at 03:03 am
I hit a grocery cart with the van, and since the cart was pinned against a curb and my van, it busted the glass out of the sliding door! Thank goodness for $0 glass deductible. And thank goodness that DD, who sat near that window, wasn't hurt.
Posted in
June 7th, 2008 at 11:23 pm
Unfortunately, this cuts vacation a week short, but that's okay. It's still vacation and we're still going to have fun!
Posted in
June 5th, 2008 at 01:19 pm
Something is shorting the battery out, and I am no mechanic. I do have a Haynes book, and I also have a volt/ohm meter, so I guess I'll get to work looking for it. We are supposed to go on vacation at the end of the month and I can't drive 600 miles with the worry of breaking down! And I am determined to go on vacation, as it will be our first and the kids are excited (plus, food and board are free).
Posted in
March 6th, 2008 at 04:12 pm
My van is an 11 year old rebuild (my dad rebuilds salvaged cars - in fact, I've only owned a non-junkyard vehicle once, and it was the worst vehicle I ever had).
Anyhoo, it has had routine maintenance on it, plus some minor other things. Now, I know that well-built makes like Toyotas will last eons if they are kept well, but I'm wondering how long a Plymouth will last? Here's hoping another 5-6 years, at least.
From time to time, my kindergartener asks me when we will get a van with an automatic sliding door. He sees these things in the carpool line at school. Of course I tell him not for a very long time. I'm tryint to teach my kids to think along these lines: why spend money when you 1. Don't have it and 2. Don't have to ?
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